Monday, February 9, 2009

my wiki page

I didn't finsh my wiki yet . However, I think the strongest section is cummunication because I think there is enough information and correct picture. My partner and I also put some creative invention but in that section I didn't do page organization. I better finsh this section with good details. And my weakest section is bussines because there is no infor mation and other effects. I also don't know what to write. there is also a section that is not good but I get the Idea and I just put specific information of it, then it can be the best section of all. I better think of creative idea and edit on bussines. I already wrote about this section just now. It is entertainment. It is second worst one. I think I need more information.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My life in 2020

My life in 2020 will be cool.I will probably be a doctor. It is hard to be a doctor but I'll try. I don't like to surger people's body so I'll be a dentist. I'll be most famous dentist in Korea and I'll make a lot of money. I'll use money to buy enormous house and buy a one dog because I like dogs. I'll buy a robot to drive my car. I'll also buy a robot guard to guard my house.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

What a good pictures in ISKL

I chose these pictures to make this slide. This slide shows beautiful places in ISKL. I chose 5 photos between 13 picture. I really love this slide show because it describes fantastic and good pictures in ISKL. After I made slide show I could know ISKL is more beautiful place.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Best and Worst parts of Vacation

I had the strangest vacation ever. My dad got a bad disease so my parents went to Korea to have a surgery. That disease made me feel bad. Only my parent went to Korea. My brother and I never left KL. This is my worst worst worst part of vacation.
However, my father compeletely healed and mother bought new soccer shoes for me so I am very happy even though I had a boring vacation.
After my parents came back and our family went to the mall and watched [Yes Man].