Monday, February 9, 2009

my wiki page

I didn't finsh my wiki yet . However, I think the strongest section is cummunication because I think there is enough information and correct picture. My partner and I also put some creative invention but in that section I didn't do page organization. I better finsh this section with good details. And my weakest section is bussines because there is no infor mation and other effects. I also don't know what to write. there is also a section that is not good but I get the Idea and I just put specific information of it, then it can be the best section of all. I better think of creative idea and edit on bussines. I already wrote about this section just now. It is entertainment. It is second worst one. I think I need more information.

1 comment:

  1. Good general ideas about some of the areas where you need more information. You have honestly looked at your rubric and see how you can improve. You are also making good progress on your sources -- to ensure that they are properly documented. You could include more about the criteria from the rubric.
